Why learning DIY skills is beneficial on a boat
Learning DIY skills is a huge help if you plan on living on a sailboat. Skilled trades or new products aren't always available and there are times when it's easier, cheaper or safer to just do it yourself. This can include;
Sewing and canvas work
Cosmetic repairs
Installing systems
Fabricating metal
General maintenance
Now we're by no means saying just dive in and hack away! It's important to be able to do any DIY work to a high standard to ensure there are no issues down the line. Self education and learning from professionals who are willing to share their knowledge can really help improve your skills, and in our journey we've been given advice and shown things be excellent riggers, marine mechanics, finishers and fiberglass repairers, just to name a few.
To pay it forward and help other cruisers we've compiled and shared some of our personal experiences on installing, fixing and maintaining our sailboat.
Yacht DIY product and tool ideas
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Sharing our DIY boat experiences and guides
These are articles, guides and blog posts detailing different DIY projects, upgrades, maintenance and installations you can do on your sailboat. See the complete collection here.