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Leopard 45 Owner Review

This is the first interview we have done since uploading our "Leopard 45 review series"
We have had multiple owners contact us and request to submit information or sit down for an interview to share their story, since we began to publicly discuss the issues with our hull and the warranty process in general.

While in Croatia Telicia recently interviewed Herbert aboard his 2021 Leopard 45. Among the topics discussed were some of the issues he’s experienced on his hull, his thoughts on the Leopard 45 catamaran design and prolonged warranty process and opinions on some of the poor workmanship discovered aboard both new yachts.

It is our opinion that owners coming together is the only way that the warranty system will be reviewed and improved. If quality control and the warranty process is improved it will increase the value of everyone's asset. We believe that is it incredibly naïve and short sighted to think that covering up issues will be in anyone's best interest, now or in future.

One of the ways we connect with other owners is through the REAL Leopard Owners Facebook group, a uncensored forum for people to connect, share ideas, offer help, and openly and honestly discuss Leopard/Robertson and Caine production catamarans -

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