Our experience buying a new Leopard 45 Catamaran was nothing like what we'd expected. This page contains a compilation of information about our experience, including review videos, surveyor and testing reports, and the offer we sent to Leopard Catamarans as a peace offering. Scroll down the page or use the menu to skip to the section you want to see.​
Leopard 45 Catamaran Review Videos
These videos explain some of the new boat warranty issues we faced which impact almost all areas of the yacht. ​

< Want to watch the original version?
Click here to see the original cut of the engine video
< Dry fiberglass on a 2021 AND 2023 Leopard 45
While in Trinidad we came across two other Leopard 45's
with fiberglass issues; one a few years older and the other
a 2023 model that'd come straight from Cape Town. This
video features the 2023 Leopard 45, as well as our own.
Our Leopard 45
Since new our yacht has been hauled out in South Africa, Italy and Trinidad. During our time in Italy, Robertson & Caine requested a marine survey be done one our Leopard 45 as part of the warranty process.
SV Liger Fiberglass Hull Scan
​These are the fiberglass hull scans and report for our Leopard 45 catamaran after one ocean crossing. It only covered a limited area around the bridge deck and crossbeam mounts. The report was written by SGP Testing, an Italian company, within 6 months of the yacht leaving V&A Marina in Cape Town where the yacht was handed over.
Click to download the scan report.
SV Liger Surveyors Report
This survey was done by Rebulla Surveyors in Italy within 6 months of the yacht leaving Cape Town where it was handed over. It was prepared by after Robertson & Caine requested we submit a surveyors report as part of our warranty claim documents. We've redacted the personal information of the surveyor and detailed the R&C response in a video.
Click to download the surveyors report and the list of deficiencies.
Keep in mind that this report was just what was visible to the surveyor, and further investigations by JS Marine in Trinidad found more.
Offer to Leopard Catamarans
2 July 2024
Earlier this year we made an offer to Leopard Catamarans. It was a peace offering made in recognition of all of the good and decent people that work in the industry, including at Travelopia, Leopard Catamarans and Robertson & Caine, who shouldn't get dragged down due to the poor workmanship, disgraceful behaviour and inaction of others.
It is not something that would make us feel like it was okay, acceptable or worth it to have gone through what we have.
At the time of publishing no further response has been recieved.